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Frequently Asked Questions
The Get Youth Working! Program
The Program is designed to provide youth participants with the skills that are required to be successful in the labour market through a combination of on-the-job training, work experience and formal skills development training. In order to address BC’s current and future skills shortage challenges, we need to offer job opportunities and training to youth and maximize their skills.
What are the details of the Get Youth Working! Program?
The Program offers Employment Counselling, Job Entry Skills, Certificate Training, Paid Work Experience, Mentoring and Post Job Placement Support to eligible youth 16-29 years of age. Employers that hire and train eligible youth and provide full time sustainable employment are eligible for a negotiated Wage Subsidy incentive.
Who is Bowman Employment Services and what is their role in the Get Youth Working! Program?
Bowman Employment Services Inc. (BES) has an Agreement with the Province of BC to market and administer the Get Youth Working! Program to eligible employers and youth in all eligible regions of BC.
BES is a private, incorporated entity and has been providing employment services since March 1989.
How can I tell if my business is eligible?
In business for a minimum of one year
Located in an eligible region and sector of BC
In good standing with WorkSafe BC
Youth must be a new hire (Has not worked for employer previously)
Must employ new hire for a minimum of 3 months with preference given to long-term positions over 6 months (non-seasonal employment)
Employers will not qualify if employee is hired prior to signing a Get Youth Working! Funding Agreement
When will I know if my application has been accepted?
Once an application has been received, if both parties are eligible, it generally takes up to 5 business days to process and set up a Wage Subsidy Funding Agreement.
Does the Program provide me with employees?
No – employers conduct their own recruiting and hiring.
What is the Youth eligibility for the program?
In order to be considered eligible for this program Youth must:
16 to 29 years of age
Unemployed or Precariously employed - working unstable or irregular hours (such as casual labour or on-call work), working for unreliable wages (such as piece-work or commission) and/or working for earnings that cannot support an individual or their family
Seeking full time employment
Not a full-time student (i.e. enrolled in high school or post-secondary training)
Resident of BC (living in BC as a Canadian, a permanent resident or a protected person) and legally entitled to work in Canada (not utilizing any type of Visa (i.e work or student)
Not actively participating in another provincially or federally funded labour market program (excluding WorkBC)
Accepted as an eligible participant into the program by Bowman Employment Services.
Can I apply if I've already hired someone and I think they might be eligible?
No. Youth are not eligible if they are hired prior to the approval of a funding agreement.
I do not have WorkSafeBC coverage. How do I apply for it?
Employers can register online at www.worksafebc.com
When do I receive the Wage Subsidy?
Funding agreements are generally 3 months in length with payment at the end of the three month period. You will receive monitor calls (minimum once per month) from a Placement Coordinator to ensure that the hiring conditions are being met.